Academic Articles

The President’s Dominance in Foreign Policy Making. Paul PetersonIn Cohen, Jeffrey and David Nice, Eds.. The Presidency: Classic and Contemporary Readings. McGraw-Hill: New York. 2003.

This article is a revised version of “The International System and Foreign Policy” in The President, the Congress, and the Making of Foreign Policy (Norman OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994), 3-22.

Voucher Programs and the Effect of Ethnicity on Test Scores. William G. Howell, Paul E. PetersonIn John E. Chubb and Tom Loveless, Eds.. Bridging the Achievement Gap. Brookings Institution Press. 2002.
School Vouchers and Academic Performance: Results from Three Randomized Field Trials. William G. Howell, Paul E. Peterson, Patrick J. Wolf, David E. Campbell. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 21(2), 191-217. 2002.

Examined the effects of school vouchers on student test scores in three U.S. cities. Data from randomized field trials indicated that after 2 years, African Americans who switched from public to private schools improved academically relative to their public school peers in all three cities. These effects were not significant for other ethnic groups.

Interstate Competition and Welfare Policy. Mark Carl Rom, Paul E. Peterson, Kenneth F. Scheve, Jr.In Sanford F. Schram and Samuel H. Beer, Eds.. Welfare Reform, A Race to the Bottom?, 21-44. 1999.

In 1996, the federal government terminated the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program and replaced it with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (TANF). Many powers once held by the federal government are now being used by state governments. Will welfare assistance be redesigned and expanded or will states “race to the bottom?” This issue is investigated by examining state welfare policy choices during the latter years of AFDC(1976–1994).

Effectiveness of School Choice: The Milwaukee Experiment. Paul Peterson. Education and Urban Society, 31(2), 190-213. 1999.

Evaluated the success of the publicly funded school-voucher program in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) using data for 592 students. The Milwaukee experience suggests that privatization in education may result in efficiency gains. Given a choice between public and private schools, Milwaukee parents chose the option best suited for their children. Discusses reasons for program success.

School Reforms: How Much Do They Matter?. Paul PetersonIn Paul E. Peterson and Susan Mayer, Eds.. Earning and Learning: How Schools Matter. Brookings Institution Press. 1999.
Do Hard Courses and Good Grades Enhance Cognitive Skills?. Paul Peterson, Jay R. GirottoIn Paul E. Peterson and Susan Mayer, Eds.. Earning and Learning: How Schools Matter. Brookings Institution Press. 1999.
School Choice in New York City. Paul Peterson, David Myers, William Howell, Daniel MayerIn Paul E. Peterson and Susan Mayer, Eds.. Earning and Learning: How Schools Matter. Brookings Institution Press. 1999.
School Choice: A Report Card. Paul Peterson. The Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law, 6(1), 47-80. 1998.
Interstate Competition and Welfare Policy. Mark Carl Rom, Paul E. Peterson, Kenneth F. Scheve, Jr.. Publius, The Journal of Federalism, 28(3). 1998.
The Effectiveness of School Choice in Milwaukee: A Secondary Analysis of Data from the Programs Evaluation. Paul Peterson, Jay P. Greene, Jiangtao DuIn Paul E. Peterson and Bryan C. Hassel, Eds.. Learning from School Choice. Brookings Institution Press, 335-356. 1998.
Devolution's Price. Paul Peterson. Yale Law & Policy Review/Yale Journal on Regulation. Symposium: Constructing a New Federalism, 111-121. 1996.
Questioning by the Foreign Policy Committees. Paul Peterson, Jay P. GreeneIn Paul E. Peterson, Ed.. The Congress, The Presidency and the Making of Foreign Policy, 74-100. 1995.
A Politically Correct Solution to Racial Classification. Paul PetersonIntroductory essay in Paul E. Peterson, Ed.. Classifying by Race. Princeton. 1995.
Urban Policies. Paul PetersonIn Donald C. Bacon, Roger H. Davidson, and Morton Keller, Eds.. The Encyclopedia of the United States Congress. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1995.